The Divine Dreadlocks Scholarship Program is designed to honour highly motivated students who will dedicate themselves to study and complete ALL assessments for each level within 1 month. This enables go-getters to get certified as an Advanced Loctician within 2 months from enrolment, enabling them to begin their business and start doing what they love sooner. It also rewards motivated students with $490 cash back to start their biz! *the cash back is on successful completion of all scholarship tasks as listed below. You have maximum 12 weeks from starting to complete all tasks!
** You must have your Loctician Tool Kit ideally before enrollment to ensure you have everything ready to study as your scholarship cash back is all time dependent!
You get the Loctician tool kit FREE if you pay in full. But you must order one if you are on a payment plan.
Eg: Luna enrols on 1st November and completes Level 1 by the end of November (she submitted 4 social posts for that level), she then completes Level 2 by end of December (and submitted a social post each week for 4 weeks also). By Jan 1st Luna is fully certified and submits a review of the course & a short video for a case study at week 10 - 12.
** She gets $490 scholarship cash back and starts her biz with money!
Scholarship students also get to share their experience with other dread lovers to inspire and help them to get motivated to do something that will bring them joy too!
ESSENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA & DETAIL (vital to getting the scholarship price as cashback)
1) For the Advanced Loctician Course only. (Paid in full and Payment Plan)
2) Must Complete level 1 assessments within 1 month and Level 2 within 1 month.
Level 3 has no assessment and can be completed even after you are certified and begin your business, because it is good to tackle normal dread maintenance and dread creation before tackling level 3 hard dread maintenance and repair work.
3) Must create your dread space, dread biz name and minimum 1 online platform presence (can be Instagram or Facebook) by the end of the 1st month AND send the link to Em via email.
* * Dread space can be an interim space & even a corner of a lounge room or patio, until you have your designated special space ready. We encourage work from home because renting a space costs money or loses you 50% of takings.
4) Must share 1 social post per week on Facebook or Insta on the joy of your journey for 8 weeks till certified. You can use your personal account. **
You need to post the following photos each week.
1) your personal FB account then share to
2) Divine Dreadlocks Community page.
For bonus points you can also share on Instagram with #divinedreadlocksscholarship
LEVEL 1 PHOTO SHARES * use example comments as example only! Write your own
Week 1: A selfie of you with your first dread made. Example comment: "I am so excited, I just started the Advanced Loctician Certificate Course with Divine Dreadlocks and made my first dread!"
Week 2: A photo of your sectioned mannequin with a comment. Example comment: "Yeehooo, check out my super neat sectioning. I'm racing through the Advanced Loctician Scholarship, it's super easy"
Week 3: A photo of your completed mannequin head full of dreads. Example comment: "Check out my first full head of dreads! (add what you liked about doing it)"
Week 4: A before and after photo of your first dread maintenance client. Example comment: "I can't believe that 4 weeks into the course and I have completed my first head of dread maintenance using the DH&H technique. (say what you enjoyed about it)"
Week 5: A selfie of you with your first completed dread extension. Example comment: "Look what I just finished! My first dread extension made with the Divine hand & Hook method, I'll be offering dread extensions as soon as I graduate - I can't wait"
Week 6: A photo of your set of dread extensions on a tray. Example comment: (what you love about the video tutorials, mention you'll be offering dread extensions soon etc)
Week 7: Before and after photos of your dread extension model (ideally a real person but can also be the mannequin if gov restrictions disable you from getting a real person). BEFORE: Hair out unlocked AFTER: With dreads and extensions. Example comment: "I can't believe I just created these dreadlock extensions. I love that with this method you can't even see the join"
Week 8: A photo of your completed dread wrap on a real person or your mannequin. Example comment: "I love the colours in my first dread wrap! It was so easy to learn with Em's course"
This is to share your work as you progress through the course.
!!! VITAL TO DO !!!
You must add a screenshot of each post every week to the COMMENTS for that "social share lecture".
You need to have 8 posts done by the end of the 2 months.
This is the proof that you have completed this essential scholarship criteria. I will check this before you graduate.
5) TASK 9. WEEK 9 - Must write a review on FB and Google about the course after being certified *
* A reminder email will be sent to you to do your review of the course at the end of the completion of assessments.
You will also then get 6 support emails for the next 6 months to help you set up your business and market your service! Freedom awaits!
6) TASK 10. WEEK 10-12: You must share a short 1-2 min video on your experience and the positive results you gained from the training. You must allow this to be used as a case study to share online at week 10 to 12. * DON'T POST IT. EM WILL!
*Use the guide in module 10 for your case study video. Follow the instructions to create your simple video and email the video to Em [email protected] or send via messenger. Max size for emailing is 25mb. You will need to film this after taking your first client, as you will be referring to your experience of starting your dread service. The client can be a big or small job - anything is okay. Dread maintenance or new dreads, or even a half head of maintenance or dread creation. This is why you have 2 weeks to do this. But it means you MUST put the word out there for clients straight away!
The paid in full scholarship students will then get $490 cash back on successful completion of the above 10 Tasks. This money will help you start your business! You can get some products, a nice dread chair, do some marketing, get a website etc!
If you want a simple website with 4 tabs: Services, About me, Gallery and Contact - then reach out. We can get a quality site created for the cheapest price ever of $490! This means you could waiver your cash back & get a website instead for less than half the price you could get one elsewhere. You can also add a shop for an extra $300!
Payment plan students will have payments stopped at 6 months, bringing the total fee to $1490, which is $500 off!