Tutorial 1: Introduction to Level 2 - watch first


This is the introductory tutorial that contains vital info to help guide you through the course. There is no timetable guide for this course, but if you want to, you can create your own timetable using the course curriculum list (as the length of each video is included there) by slotting the tutorials into your diary.

As explained in PDF#1, you have 3 months from when you begin this course to complete a full head of dreads plus extensions & to get the photos for assessment in to me. So it is good to be organised & make sure time doesn't slip away!

There are also no more PDF's in this course as I included all the theory in the videos, so you may want to keep a notebook to write notes.


Ideally you'll grab a notebook to write vital notes to remember and gather all your tools and get them ready to begin learning.

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